Monday, April 25, 2011

A little...

Sunburnt! No big deal, considering the rest of the weekend was more then I could have ever asked for.

 Matt and I spent Thursday afternoon in the airport due to delays so we didn't make it to the beach house until 2am. Mom and Kelly excitedly greeted us at the Norfolk airport, tons of screams and hugs! Friday was a slow day, just hung around the house playing games and just enjoying being together. Dad drove down, bringing.... my boys Fred and Barney! I was soo happy to see them, it's odd how much you miss the little things when so far from home! Saturday was my birthday so naturally I spent the entire day on the beach, it was ideal! That's were the sun burn comes in, I went there white has casper and came back with a nice red tint. Matt has it worse, poor irish boy is so red and swollen he barely made it across campus to class! 

Sunday came bringing out weekend to an end. Easter was a blast. We went to the closet church to the house, some Chapel. Our first clue should have been the pro life slide show before the service, second one was the prayer for our Nation's leader's sins. Needless to say I felt like I was at a political rally then Easter service. Anyway the Easter Bunny came leaving a pair of Tory Burch sandals along with Country Strong & a J Crew gift card! 

Manly bonding! Dad and Matt grilled and had a cigar outside.

Sisterly Love! 

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