Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mardi Gras Around the World

Happy Mardi Gras! To my Catholic friends you know that today- Fat Tuesday marks the last day before lent. I have been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and that was a blast. But what I didn't know was how it was celebrated all around the world! Each country better yet each city has their own traditions and rituals! 

In Italy it is call Carnevale Festivals. This winter celebration that is full of parades, masquerade balls and other entertainment. The Carnevale has its roots in the pagan traditions and has evolved to more Catholic traditions. Ever wonder why masks are so popular in Venice? It is because of how important masks and costumes are during this celebration where majority of the famous masquerades take place! 

     Jump on over to Binche, Belgium, where they celebrate Carnaval de Binche on Fat Tuesday. During this festival local men called Gilles parade around town in  strange green-eyed masks and shaking sticks to ward off evil spirits. The Gilles and their ladies prance around town with baskets full of oranges. They throw oranges at the people as a symbol of summer, it is supposed to be bad luck if you throw one back- you are returning the gift. There are really strict rules and hundred year old  rituals. The entire city dances to the beat of the same drum- literally during this celebration! 

    Funny enough, Mardi Gras or Carnevale as the Brazilians call it is the most famous Brazilian Holiday. Rio de Janeiro is where the main party is- it has been called the Carnevale Capital of the world! The Rio Carnevale is 4 days long- roughly 40 days before Easter. Everybody celebrates this holiday- even those in the slums in fact they are usually the most involved. Samba schools (social clubs that make floats and put on a production) perform and gays and drags are also very involved. The roots are traced back to Greeks and Romans who celebrated the beginning of spring with masked parties- this tradition came to Rio in 1850. The celebration took a hiatus during WWII and began again in 1947. The festivities are in full force today! For more on Rio Carnevale check out this website

Happy Fat Tuesday, Rio Carnevale, Carnaval de Binche, Carnevale Festivals or Mardi Gras!!

Me and my freshman hall-mate celebrating Mardi Gras New Orleans Style in 2011! 

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