Saturday, January 26, 2013

10 ways to improve your self confidence

     We have all had those days when nothing you do is right. More milk ended up on the counter top than in the coffee mug, you got a flat on the way to work, you left your laptop charger at home... the day seems to drag on forever. Just wait though because I found 10 ways to improve the way you feel about yourself, some happen over time while others provide instant gratification.

1) Compliment other people- having people like helps you like you

2) Sit in the front row- show other people that you are there and ready to conquer what they have coming

3) Speak up- the more you speak up the better you will get at communicating with others and less awkward it will feel.

4) Work Out- burning calories makes you feel better out your physical appearance and provides you with positive energy. 

5) Focus on Contribution - there is no greater feeling than knowing you helped someone else

6) Good Posture - how you carry yourself means a lot! Just sitting up straighter makes a positive impression. 

7) Walk Faster- you will feel more important which increases you self confidence 

8) Dress Sharp- let every outfit be a power outfit and watch your confidence level rise. They don't have to be expensive either!

9) Gratitude- make a mental list of everything you are grateful for, this will make you feel better about everything you have. 

10) Personal Commercial- take 30 seconds and list everything positive, really bring out the best in yourself. 


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