I have done one of these in the past but it's been a few years so lets give it another go!
The beach is my heaven
Nothing bad has ever happend to me on the beach
I adore the sun, sand and more importantly beach hair.
There is an instant relaxation that comes over me when I am near the ocean.
The beach during the off season is even better! No unfortunate guys in banana hammock in sight!
I love peas!
There is an embarrassing story of me falling asleep in my peas as a baby but ever since I could remember I have loved them. Don't ask me why, I have no idea!
If you let me I will eat of bowl of them for dinner every night, I have been told that is a bit odd but oh well.
I rowed crew
And actually was pretty good at it.
During my high school years I joined the crew team (nerdy I know) but it was still a blast.
Anyway I rowed on a lightweight 4 and a lightweight 8 and we went to the National Regatta twice! During my years as a rower I got hyperthermia twice but that is beside the point.
I am the fifth from the left or in the fifth seat if you know crew terms
Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie
I have watched it more times than any human should. Even wrote my SAT essay about Scarlett O'Hare's strong female character. It is my all time favorite movie despite how long it is. The book is even better than the movie. I tried to read the counter part from Rhett Butler's point of view but stopped because I didn't want it to ruin my love for the story.
I am always cold
And I do not mean cold hearted, I mean physically cold. My hands, feet everything is always cold to the touch. The doctors said its just poor circulation but clearly they don't know what it's like to have ice cubes for fingers. In addition to always being cold, I hate the AC. Even in Mississippi during the summer time, I loth having the AC on me.
Last but not least...
My dream is to travel to every continent
Silly I know but Antarctica sounds awesome- given I have the proper parka! Australia has always been appealing, it looks beautiful and so exciting. I have traveled to Europe- Italy to be exact although really wish to see London. Thailand would be awesome- I saw it once on The Amazing Race and have been stuck on the idea since than. As so Africa the pyramids would be grand but South Africa looks amazingly gorgeous. South America would have to be Peru for Machu Picchu, it looks breath taking in picture imagine how amazing it looks in person.