Monday, February 28, 2011


      So being the big girl that I am I opened another bank account. My original bank is no where close to Mississippi so it made depositing checks and doing withdraws really hard. With that being said finances have been on my mind. I have always been a saver and understand how a budget works but lately that seems to have slipped my mind. It's been more about what designer is on the label rather then how much it is costing me and has a college student that is NOT GOOD! I have always enjoyed the finer things in life. As a young lady preparing to make it on her own spending three figures on a pair of Hunter rain boots is just not practical, when my toes will stay just as dry in Target rain boots. Maybe when I get my doctorate those Hunter boots will be more in my price range, until then I guess it is called "living within my means." 

"Being a Gentleman is not about the brands you wear. It’s about civility and class with charm. Be charming, be confident. Be well put together. A confident Gentleman in a $15 dollar oxford will outshine someone in Brooks Brothers who lacks confidence. Trust me."
   - The American Gentlemen (the link is posted on the left side) 

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