Thursday, June 23, 2011

Packing My Bags For Indy!

I am off to Theta headquarters! 

I couldn't be more excited to be going to the Theta Leadership Conference in Indy this weekend. It is going to be an awesome break from a small town PLUS I get to meet sister's from all around the US.

 I applied through our my chapter and was selected to represent us! The application was why I wanted to be chosen, in my essay, I included how proud I am of my letters, how coming to the Theta house is like a home away from home, it's a safe place full of my sisters and how I desperately want to strength our chapter, I could go on and on about how much I love it but I will save that for this weekend and save myself from tearing up. Anyway a few lines of my application are included below! I love and miss my Theta sisters and can't wait to be living in the house come Fall <3 

    "During rush I kept an open mind and heart, looking for the place where I could see myself as being a proud sister.  The morning of bid day, excitement does not even begin to describe my emotion. When I opened my envelope and found I was going to be a baby kite, right away I began my sprint down Rebel drive to join my new pledge class and soon to be sisters. Even while on the phone screaming to my own sister who is a proud member of Theta I made it down to the house first. At that moment I did not understand how much these girls, who I now call sister would grow so close and change my life. Right away I began to immerse myself in this newfound sisterhood. I wear my letters proudly as I am just one of thousands of women who understand our special bond.  Walking down to the house is not a chore but something I enjoy doing as the house is now a home away from home. I wanted to be active as an officer and help improve the chapter."

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